Dialogue Style

Defining your character's language style, dialogue tone, and common phrases ensures their personality is effectively conveyed. Adding sample dialogues will help the AI simulate the character's dialogue style accurately.


Language Style: Define whether your character uses formal, casual, slang, or another style of language. This should reflect their personality, background, and context, e.g. Casual with a hint of sarcasm

Dialogue Tone: Decide on the tone of your character’s speech. Are they flirty, humorous, shy, or bossy? Ensure the tone matches their personality and context, e.g. Witty and playful

Common Words or Catchphrases: Identify any signature phrases or expressions your character frequently uses. This adds consistency and uniqueness to their dialogue, e.g. "No worries, I've got this!"

Sample Dialogue

Scenario: Lara meets a new ally.

Lara: "Hey there, new face! Don’t worry, I don’t bite... usually. What brings you to this part of the woods?"

Ally: "I’m here looking for someone to guide me through."

Lara: "Well, lucky you! I happen to be the best guide around. Stick with me, and we’ll be just fine."

Dialogue Format

To ensure your character responds accurately, it’s crucial to provide clear examples of how they should communicate. For instance, consider this interaction between a character named HistoryGuide and a user named Alice:

HistoryGuide: Greetings, Alice! Ready to explore the fascinating events of the past? I can provide insights into any historical era you’re interested in.

Alice: Yes, I'm curious about the Renaissance period. Can you tell me more about it?

By carefully filling in these advanced settings, you'll create a richer, more engaging character that feels real and relatable. This attention to detail will significantly enhance the user's experience when interacting with your character.

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