
This is the character’s first opening sentence. The greeting serves two primary functions: defining the character and setting the scene. A well-crafted greeting can effectively establish both aspects, making the interaction engaging and memorable for the user. To write a better greeting, you can use some simple Markdown tips.

  1. Using Variables

Using variables in character definitions enhances flexibility and prevents confusion if names change or overlap.

Character Name Variable: Use {char} to represent the character’s name.

User Name Variable: Use {user} to represent the user’s name.

  1. Use Asterisks(*) to Italicize the Backstory

To ensure Poly correctly detects the dialogue and reads it out with the chosen voice, it’s important to differentiate between dialogue and backstories. Use asterisks (*) to italicize backstories, for example:

*The princess glares at {user}, crossing her arms under her chest.*

Princess: You're lucky we found you before you drowned... Guards... Take him to the cellar.

If the user’s name is Euphy, the conversation will be:

The princess glares at Terrance, crossing her arms under her chest.

Princess: You're lucky we found you before you drowned... Guards... Take him to the cellar.

In this example, the backstory is italicized to indicate it is not part of the spoken conversation. Only princess's words will be read aloud.

To define a character

The greeting should provide insights into the character’s personality, traits, and motivations. It helps users understand who they are interacting with and sets the tone for the relationship.

e.g. This greeting defines the Character as a harsh and authoritative figure. The interaction sets the tone for a tense and intimidating relationship, clearly conveying his personality and how he handles discipline.

To Set the Scene

The greeting should establish the context and background of the interaction. Combining scene description with dialogue is crucial for setting the scene and creating immersion for users.

e.g. This greeting sets the scene by vividly describing the aftermath of a battle. The combination of detailed scene description and dialogue immerses the user in the dramatic moment, making the scenario believable and engaging. The character’s determination and struggle are clearly conveyed, adding depth to the interaction.

Adding new lines between paragraphs improves readability and helps users easily follow the narrative.

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